Storytelling Prog.

Most programs are one-hour in length, however, school programs may be  one-half hour or forty-five minutes. 
**(Rates and Fees Available Upon Request)**

The Following Is Included In Each Session

Intros High energy call and response poems/raps accompanied by drums or other instruments that serve as a warm-up activity.  Intros bring audiences together in a fun way.
Original and/or Traditional Tale

-Historical Tale
-Poetic Story
-Original or Traditional Songs
-Movement/Audience Participation
-Call & Response


  Ife brings to Cleveland her cherished NY workshop:  
Children learn we all are made differently on purpose and they look fine just the way they are. This workshop:
-Boosts Self Esteem
-Reduces or Eliminates Bullying
-Encourages friendship
-Promotes a deeper sense of self


(For School Assemblies)
Grades 3rd-5th

Instills within children healthy self-esteem, healthy values, focuses on Pupose,  Literacy, Positive Behavior, and Asserting Greatness. Will also focus on Respect, Community, Self-Love, Appreciation, Gangs, Peer Pressure  and Bullying. ‘EMPOWERED’ will help children become the greatest versions of themselves.


African/African-American, Original, Multicultural stories, songs and music, skits, poems raps the whole family or all ages can appreciate. Call & Response, movement, activities.


African/African-American, Original, Multicultural stories, songs and music, skits, poems raps that focus on teen concerns from academics, drug abuse, purpose, peer pressure, healthy decisions, etc.

Programs Available

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